Teacher development
The EIM (School of Modern Languages of the University of Barcelona) has a longstanding commitment both to the local community and society in general. Since its creation, the EIM UB Language Teacher Training department has established itself as a space for language teachers to exchange ideas and focus on their continuing professional development.
With this in mind, we organize conferences, talks and workshops to promote the pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence. The EIM’s position within the university allows us access to the latest relevant university research. Our programme of activities for language teachers shares these innovations in a dynamic and accessible way, which aims to have a positive impact on the engagement, innovation and creativity of the teacher in the classroom.
The EIM UB is committed to the promotion and continuous improvement of the courses available. This has enabled the EIM Language Teacher Training Department to offer training courses for the Cambridge CELTA and DELTA Module Two as well as being an examination centre for DELTA Module One. We are in the unique position of combining the excellence and guarantee of two prestigious universities, allowing us to offer quality training and the corresponding qualifications to English language teachers.